Tapping for War Veterans
The Tapping Solution Foundation has supported the Veterans Stress Project to help veterans by using EFT Tapping to treat trauma.
After years of persistence and advocacy, EFT has been approved as “generally safe” by the US Veterans Administration. After reviewing the extensive evidence for the safety and efficacy of EFT, a group of experts in the VAs Integrative Health Coordinating Center published a statement approving EFT and several other complementary and integrative health (CIH) practices.
The approval means that VA therapists will be able to use EFT Tapping with their clients suffering from PTSD, depression, anxiety, pain and other conditions.”

Read the full letter from Constance Louie-Handelman, PhD CPT, USAR, MS

The Veterans’ Stress Project offers all Veterans no cost, drug-free EFT coaching.
Emotional pain and mental distress are substantially diminished using Emotional Freedom Techniques. Multiple independent studies also show pain diminishes an average of 68% with EFT. Over 85% of Vets who have participated have resolved most of their PTSD symptoms (insomnia, anger, grief, hyper-vigilance) in six 1-hour sessions. 3 and 6 month followups confirm that the benefits are lasting.
Veterans qualify for 6 free, private sessions (in person, by phone or via Skype) as part of on-going research. Veterans who participate contribute to the mission of helping thousands of other Veterans and their families.
The following is the trailer for the documentary film “The Tapping Solution,” which features one war veteran. EFT Tapping offers numerous important benefits for veterans suffering from PTSD.
Learn more about the Stress Project